Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Boats and Birds

If you be my star,
I'll be the sky, you can hide underneath me and come out at night.
when i turn jet black and you show off your light.
I live to let you shine.

You can sky rocket away from me,
and never come back if you find another galaxy, far from here, with more room to fly,
just leave me some stardust to remember you by.

Today, I miss you.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Om nom nom

ah yes. the sound of students guzzling down tasty treats.
so after a long, hard week, full of way too much work, Paige and I decided to treat ourselves at the sweetest little cakeshop at the bottom of Dorp street called Mila.

We both had cheesecake, raspberry and kiwi & Lime.
They were so pretty i had to take photos:)

it's fine.

It's fine.
cause it always is.

Just say it simple.
be calm.

it will all be ok.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


funny enough, this image was already in my "happiness" folder.
Thanks VG.
Thanks Mommy VG.

Cheaters cheat, and liars lie

I've been on a downward spiral lately, for what reason, i do not know.
Actually i do. I want something that i can't have. I want the familiar. I want comfort.
but as i said, I CAN'T HAVE IT.

IT is a liar and a cheat. and i can't stand it anymore. i cant stand everyone sitting and watching me put myself into situations where i become a lesser version of myself, because I won't be appreciated and adored.

I'm tired. I'm tired not in the sense that i should rather sleep than sit and think about life, but rather tired of trying. I'm tired of giving of all my effort and energy, and not getting any in return. I'm in a place where I have never been surrounded by so many people and felt so alone at the same time.

I know i deserve more. I don't say this cause i'm arrogant, obnoxious nor do i feel that i am superior. I say this because i know the thoughts and feelings i feel now, are not right, and that i shouldn't feel this way, and it sure as hell shouldn't be the result (whether direct or indirect)of what a person i love and who loves me does that makes me feel this way.

i have a theory that when life gets tired and bored it decides to shake things up a bit, turn our lives upside down for a while, so we can find another path to travel or experience things we were meant to but never would have if life had stayed the same. This is an opportunity to find what life has in store for me. I need to thinK of it as life putting me back on the right track to where I were ment to be.
...If only i could give myself advice during these times, and actually listen to it!!

but at the end of it all, it falls back to the saying that once a cheater, always a cheater. and once a liar always a liar.

it doesn't matter if you are one, both or none of those things, just be careful- for the sake of your own heart as well as those around you.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Fear is a thief of dreams.
i hate knowing that you're there.

with her.


Birthdays. such wonderful things:)

Today there are so many people i love dearly turning another year older.

I saw this picture, and it makes me so happy- it makes me remember how another year older excited us so- and now, all we do is try to avoid the entire occasion.

To the ones i love, who are celebrating their birthdays today- i hope its a fantastic one, filled with all the magic and excitement that a birthday is meant to have.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

lovely spaces filled with lovely faces

Random photos of photos, post its, charcoal drawings (inspired by Kerri, motivated by how PO the estate agents will be and i feel like i need to include involved- you know; inspired, motivated, involved)and other random things that make this space my place:)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

easter egg hunts...i didn't have one :(

so I've been a bit slack with my blogging business in the last week or so. I haven't had too much inspiration or anyone to whine about.
The long weekend was incredibly boring and non-eventful, even easter was ordinary- i bought myself an easter egg (gotta love it)
Monday came along and my friend Georgie dropped in for a visit, and brought me my one and only easter egg duck which was delish:)... until Ess came home from CT- she bought me one too:):):)although her egg had been left in the back of the car and had melted.

i thought georgie's little duck was too sweet and sarah's too funny not to be acknowledged:) hope your weekend was more eventful than mine