Sunday, February 20, 2011


Tomorrow is Birthday Week. The biggest one yet.

Wednesday I turn 21, as daunting as it is, I'm very excited. I have friends and family flying to Cape Town to come to the super corny "Grease" themed party that I'm having. I have invited way too many people, and have excessive amounts of alcohol for them to guzzle down, and an ice cream machine just for shits and giggles:)

There will be food, and music and dancing. there will be friends, old and new, and family too.

But there will be 2 people in particular that just can't make it. The 2 who, if i was stranded on an island and could bring just 3 things i would bring in a heartbeat. Oh, and Bear Grills of course, so he could get back to you other crazies. I miss you 2 with all my heart and soul, and love you loads. Thank you for the many wonderful memories i have shared with each of you. Thanks for helping survive through 21 years in this mad and crazy world. Thanks for making me laugh, being a shoulder to cry on, for the late night conversations about things that just didn't matter and for those that did. For cursing at idiotic and psycho ex-boyfriends, and for loving the new one. For being there when I succeeded and when i failed. and in general, for sticking around.

This week is going to be fantastic, and busy and happy. It's going to be filled with parties, box wine, tacky costumes and embarrassing photos, but when all is said and done, i would have none of it if it meant you both were here with me.

Forever and always, my lovelies, forever and always

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