Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I like them. a lot.
this photo was one from our first night in Durbs on the roadtrip Sim, Jen, George and I took at the beginning of December last year. We had so much fun, and made so many wonderful memories. So much has changed in each of our lives since then, and it feels like things are spinning out of control every so often, and that's when i feel like another one is in order.

My friends are the people who know me, know me in a way like nobody else does, in the way that I'd like everyone to know me. I need some of that time i think, to get me back to a good space.

Holidays aren't too far away, and hopefully time flies and we can get back to making those kick-ass memories. I miss you lot.

Dear Sam,

right back at you ;)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

If you love something give it away...

If you walk away I walk away
first tell me which road you will take
I don't want to risk our paths crossing someday
so you walk that way I'll walk this way...

i'll forget the world with you lovely x

Monday, March 29, 2010

simply unbeatable

yes yes, once again, maties are Varsity Cup Champs.
tonight, or well last night, we played against UCT and beat them (again...)
I wasn't able to make it to the game, had a test to write, but thanks to my boys in maroon, my bad day didn't end as terribly as the rest of my day went.
Just a pic to show that i was there in spirit,
well done boytjies

Saturday, March 27, 2010

They're not so far away after all...

After yesterdays post, i sent messages to all four of those girls, and got a few responses too- it made me miss them even more-in a good way though.

maybe it was a blend of that, hearing "give me strength"-Snow patrol (beautiful song about friendships) and studying all day that made me feel rather emotional, but sitting here i remembered part of a letter Allanah had given me the day i last saw her (i keep it in my bedside table, for moments when i need her wisdom) and alas i needed some of that wisdom and there it was:

"If you do ever feel really alone, i know I will, Look up at the sky. Yes, I know, corny, but seriously, it helps. We can see the same sky even though we're in different parts of the world. We can see the same stars too I think, it'll help to make it not seem so far away."

I think i might go do some star gazing...

Friday, March 26, 2010

My friends lie over the ocean, my friends lie over the sea

Sarah (now in Perth) and Karline (Studying in Redding)

Rosalind (Studying in Limerick,Ireland), Me (left here...abandoned i like to say) and Allanah (now in Sydney)

These 4 girls are a few of my really great friends.
Throughout last year, one by one they began jetsetting off to new and wonderful places, starting their new and wonderful lives.

I've been shifting through photos from the passed 4/5 years and there isn't one that doesn't involve some silly story involving one of these amazing girls, I miss them terribly and looking back on old photos makes me want to bring them all home and lock them in my flat never to let them leave again.

Everytime varsity gets holidays, everyone that is studying around the country all go back 'home' to Joburg, we have get togethers and go out and have really good times, and everytime we do- these 4 girls are always mentioned and chatted about as if they're all still around and its like we saw them just yesterday. i love it, it makes me feel like they're still here and our friendships are still alive- in fact i know they still are. I think about all of them every single day and love them with all my heart, don't stay away too long girls.

For the Delicate Hearts

The Real Estate Agents

Super evil. I am your enemy.
I hate them.
(not the band)
about 17 of them invaded my flat this afternoon, in the hope that they could find something fantastic for their clients.

My friend Sarah was here with me. she sat awkwardly outside on our filthy balcony (yes we stick everything too dirty to clean there, chunder-buckets, rotten veggies on oven trays etc) while these agents asked her questions in a language she can bearly understand.

They also insisted on helping themselves to the last remaining clean glasses in our house and turning every single light on, using our depleted electricity supply.
Sarah and i were then bombarded with questions about schedules, keeping in mind that sarah actually DOES NOT LIVE HERE and was merely smiling and waving during this entire process (she swore occasionally too). These people seem to think that they are entitled to waltz on in whenever they please and expect Paige and I to be here, as if we have nothing better to do.

one of those FML moments.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Two Birds on a wire

Two birds of a feather
Say that they're always gonna stay together
But one's never going to let go of that wire
He says that he will
But he's just a liar

Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away and the other
Watches him close from that wire
He says he wants to as well, but he is a liar.

Being alone allows us to grow, and discover things about ourselves.So that when we share ourselves and our lives with others we never lose sight of our true selves.a very wise girl reminded me of this.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Love and all things mushy

As cynical as i am about love and all things mushy, i found these photos- i have them saved in my "happiness" folder on my laptop, cause deep down they melt my heart. I hate to admit it but there are more, just thought 4 pictures was more than enough corny-ness for one day.

Just like little girls and boys
Playing with their little toys
Seems like all they really were doing
Was waiting for love



It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hardwork.

It means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart.


I get by...

... with a little help from my friends.

these are my 2 friends, Sarah and Kerri.
They both have such amazing spirits, and they don't even know how amazing they are.
I love this picture almost as much as I love the girls in it.