Saturday, March 27, 2010

They're not so far away after all...

After yesterdays post, i sent messages to all four of those girls, and got a few responses too- it made me miss them even more-in a good way though.

maybe it was a blend of that, hearing "give me strength"-Snow patrol (beautiful song about friendships) and studying all day that made me feel rather emotional, but sitting here i remembered part of a letter Allanah had given me the day i last saw her (i keep it in my bedside table, for moments when i need her wisdom) and alas i needed some of that wisdom and there it was:

"If you do ever feel really alone, i know I will, Look up at the sky. Yes, I know, corny, but seriously, it helps. We can see the same sky even though we're in different parts of the world. We can see the same stars too I think, it'll help to make it not seem so far away."

I think i might go do some star gazing...

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