Friday, March 26, 2010

My friends lie over the ocean, my friends lie over the sea

Sarah (now in Perth) and Karline (Studying in Redding)

Rosalind (Studying in Limerick,Ireland), Me (left here...abandoned i like to say) and Allanah (now in Sydney)

These 4 girls are a few of my really great friends.
Throughout last year, one by one they began jetsetting off to new and wonderful places, starting their new and wonderful lives.

I've been shifting through photos from the passed 4/5 years and there isn't one that doesn't involve some silly story involving one of these amazing girls, I miss them terribly and looking back on old photos makes me want to bring them all home and lock them in my flat never to let them leave again.

Everytime varsity gets holidays, everyone that is studying around the country all go back 'home' to Joburg, we have get togethers and go out and have really good times, and everytime we do- these 4 girls are always mentioned and chatted about as if they're all still around and its like we saw them just yesterday. i love it, it makes me feel like they're still here and our friendships are still alive- in fact i know they still are. I think about all of them every single day and love them with all my heart, don't stay away too long girls.

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